.. _runcombsyntax: *************************** Run combination file format *************************** Combinations of MC runs are used at several points by Professor: to decide on the input MC runs to use in building an interpolation (or a set of interpolations), to decide which interpolation to use for tuning or other comparison, to plot run-combination tune scatter plots, etc. By default the Professor scripts will use all the available MC runs (or the interpolation corresponding to them), but if a more select subset (or subsets) is required, then they must be specified as a text file. The run combination files are stored as simple text files -- one run-combination per line:: Run_ID_1 Run_ID_2 Run_ID_3 Run_ID_4 ... Run_ID_1 Run_ID_4 Run_ID_5 RUN_ID_10 ... ... The :samp:`Run_ID_{x}` are the directory names of the MC run directories in the :file:`mc/` directory, usually simple numbers:: mc/000 001 002 ... thus:: 000 001 002 003 ... 000 003 004 009 ... ...