Plotting parameterised histograms -- :program:`prof-ipolhistos` --------------------------------------------------------------- .. create some short-cuts to link to other documents .. |prof-interpolate| replace:: :doc:`prof-interpolate ` .. |prof-runcombs| replace:: :doc:`prof-runcombs ` .. program:: prof-ipolhistos :program:`prof-ipolhistos` makes parameterised histograms for a parameter point, using the parameterisations built by |prof-interpolate|. It writes out one AIDA histogram file, plottable with the usual Rivet tools (see e.g. :program:`prof-tune`) for each run combination (i.e. each parameterisation). As for |prof-interpolate|, it is necessary to specify a file with the observables to be plotted, using :option:`--obsfile` `OBSFILE`. Also, the run combinations can be given with :option:`--runsfile` `RUNSFILE` and the type of parameterisation with :option:`--ipol` `IPOLMETHOD`: the default set of runs will be all those found in the `MCDIR`, if available. The :option:`--datadir` `DATADIR` and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the :doc:`path options ` page. The parameter point(s) at which the parameterisations are to be evaluated may be supplied in several ways: as a list of `NAME=VALUE` pairs on the command line with the :option:`--params` option, or as a parameter file or set of files with the :option:`--paramsfile` or :option:`--paramsdir` options. The :option:`--subdirs` option flag is useful for producing a collection of AIDA files in the format of a Professor input `mc` directory, i.e. fake Rivet runs. Example ^^^^^^^ Simple example: make a single AIDA file using the all-runs cubic interpolation, and for all available observables, at the given param point:: prof-ipolhistos --data /my/data --ipol cubic --params PAR1=1.5,PAR2=42 Command-line options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :option:`--datadir` `DATADIR` and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the :doc:`path options ` page. Input """"" .. cmdoption:: --runs RUNSFILE, --runcombs RUNSFILE A file with run combinations that are used as anchor points. One set of polynomial coefficients is calculated for each run combination. [default: :file:`runcombs.dat`] .. cmdoption:: --ipol IPOLMETHOD The interpolation method. At the moment the order of the polynomial: ``quadratic`` or ``cubic``. [default: ``quadratic``] .. cmdoption:: --weights WEIGHTS, --obsfile WEIGHTS A file listing the observables and their weights which are used in the GoF.