********** User guide ********** This section contains documentation of the scripts distributed with professor. The scripts are listed in the order of a typical work cycle. Note that there may be scripts which are not documented here: at the time of writing the :program:`prof-envelopes` and :program:`prof-plotcorrelations` scripts fall into this category. However, all the Professor scripts have names starting with `prof-`, and so typing this and using your shell's tab completion facility is a handy way to get a list of all available programs. All of the Professor scripts have built-in documentation via the :option:`--help` flag. Main programs ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 scripts/prof-sampleparams.rst scripts/prof-runcombs.rst scripts/prof-envelopes.rst scripts/prof-interpolate.rst scripts/prof-I.rst scripts/prof-tune.rst scripts/prof-plotresultscatter.rst scripts/prof-plotcorrelations.rst scripts/prof-sensitivities.rst .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 scripts/options-paths.rst Helper programs =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 scripts/prof-lsobs.rst scripts/prof-ipolhistos.rst scripts/prof-comparetunes.rst scripts/prof-scanchi2.rst scripts/prof-showipol.rst scripts/prof-showminresults scripts/prof-plotpulls.rst scripts/prof-batchtune.rst scripts/prof-mergeminresults.rst File formats ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 runcomb_syntax.rst weights_syntax.rst Interactive usage ================= .. todo:: Give instructions and examples how to setup the Professor mode for IPython and how to do stuff interactively with Professor. E.g. filtering result lists.