

This script requires iminuit to be installed.

Run minimisation of a goodness-of-fit measure of the parametrisation and data.



--limits LIMITFILE # Specify a text file to fix parameters to certain values or force the parameter to be in certain bounds
--scan NPOINTS     # Scan a grid of NPOINTS^P points to look for a good starting point (by default the centre of the parameter space is used)
-s STRATEGY        # Set Minuit strategy

Weight syntax

Weigts are used to enhance the importance of observables or bins in the goodness-of-fit measure.

The weight for a range of bins of a histogram can be specified wither depending on the value of the observable (bin edges) using @ or the directly specifying the bin index using #.

A few examples:

/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d03-x01-y01 1        # Set weight to 1   for   each bin of this histo
/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d05-x01-y01 100      # Set weight to 100 for   each bin of this histo
/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d07-x01-y01@0:20  10 # Set weight to  10 for   bins with binEDGES in [0,20)
/ATLAS_2010_S8918562/d07-x01-y01@20:40 50 # Set weight to  10 for   bins with binEDGES in [20,50)
/TOTEM_2012_I1115294/d01-x01-y01#0:20  10 # Set weight to  10 for   bins with binINCIDES in [0,20)
/TOTEM_2012_I1115294/d01-x01-y01#20:40 50 # Set weight to  10 for   bins with binINDICES in [20,50)

Limits syntax

  • Simple text file
  • Parameter name followed by one number is interpreted as fixing the parameter to that value
  • Parameter name followed by two numbers is interpreted as imposing bounds on the parameter
