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This package contains container classes for parameter related data, e.g. parameter points. All classes are child-classes of ParameterBase, which itself inherits from numpy’s ndarray. Methods exist for IO to/from dict and text files:

The following classes are implemented:

Container for name-value data, e.g. locations or directions in parameter space.
Container for name-val1-val2 data, e.g. parameter ranges for sampling anchor points or line-scan points.
Container for errors of tuned parameter values.
Container for parameter-parameter matrix data, e.g. the correlation matrix.


class professor.params.base.ParameterBase

Bases: numpy.ndarray

Base class for name-value kind of containers.

Factory functions for easy instance creation are:
  • mkFromDict()
  • mkFromFile()

The constructor takes two arguments:

names : array_like
The parameter names.
values : array_like
The parameter values.



Convert the data to dict.

The keys are the parameter names the values the stored numerical data.

The resulting dictionary is suitable to create a new instance with mkFromDict().

format(key=None, sep=' ')

Format parameter names and values.

The default format is:

Par1  val1  val2  ...
Par2  ...

Numbers are formatted using %e.

Parameters :

key : function, optional

Comparison function used to sort parameter names with the builtin sorted function. Use None to preserve the order of names

sep : str, optional

String used to separate parameter names and values. [default: two spaces]


Return the index of parameter name.


Get the parameter names.

Implemented for dict-like behaviour:

>>> d = dict()
>>> params = ParameterBase(["a", "z"], [1.3, 9e4])
>>> d.update(params)
>>> d
{'a' : 1.3, 'z' : 90000.0}
classmethod mkFromDict(d)

Create an instance from a dictionary.

Parameters :

d : dict

For 1D parameter data, e.g. parameter points d must have the form:

d = {"PAR1" : val1, "PAR2" : val2 }

for other data types, e.g. parameter errors and ranges:

d = {"PAR1" : [val1, val2],
     "PAR2" : [val3, val4] }

In principle nesting is allowed, resulting in 3+ dimensional arrays.

classmethod mkFromFile(path)

Load parameters from a file.

Parameters :

path : str

The path of the file.


The parameter names.


The names are stored in an numpy.ndarray as instances of numpy.string_.

writeParamFile(path, key=None)

Write the return value of format() to a file.

class professor.params.ParameterPoint

Bases: professor.params.base.ParameterBase

format(key=None, sep=' ')

Format parameter names and values

The format is::
Par1 val1 Par2 val2 ...

Numbers are formatted using %e.

Parameters :

key : function, optional

Comparison function used to sort parameter names with the builtin sorted function. By default is used to sort parameter names by a contained number.

sep : str, optional

String used to separate parameter names and values. [default: two spaces]

classmethod mkFromString(s)

Create an instance from a string.

Typical use-case is parsing of command line option.

Parameters :

s : str

A string with parameter names and values of the form “Name1=Val1,Name2=Val2”.

class professor.params.ParameterRange

Bases: professor.params.base.ParameterBase

Container for parameter ranges.

Range definitions are stored as low and high bounds for each parameter. I.e. a range is given by two parameter points.

Possible use cases are:
  • Ranges of anchor points that are used for an interpolation.
  • Ranges for random point sampling.
  • Ranges for line-scan point sampling. The line is given by the diagonal stretching between the two corner points of the parameter range.


The low and high properties contain the corners of the parameter range. They will not always fulfill low < high. This is especially the case with line scans.


Create a parameter range and sample randomly from it. Parameter “Par1” is in [0.0, 1.0], “Par2” in [3.5, 3.6]:

>>> range_ = ParameterRange(["Par1", "Par2"], [[0.0, 1.0], [3.5, 3.6]])
>>> # Get a 2D random point in [0.0, 1.0].
>>> rndpoint = np.random.rand(2)
>>> # Convert it to the cube defined by range_
>>> range_.getRelativePoint(rndpoint)

Create a parameter range and sample along the diagonal, as one would do for a line scan:

>>> range_ = ParameterRange(["Par1", "Par2"], [[0.0, 1.0], [3.5, 3.6]])
>>> for rel in np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10, endpoint=True):
>>>     print range_.getRelativePoint(rel)
# some out put

or get the same points in one numpy.ndarray:

>>> relative = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10, endpoint=True)
>>> range_.getRelativePoint(relative[:,np.newaxis], plainarray=True)
array([[ 0.        ,  3.5       ],
       [ 0.11111111,  3.51111111],
       [ 0.22222222,  3.52222222],
       [ 0.33333333,  3.53333333],
       [ 0.44444444,  3.54444444],
       [ 0.55555556,  3.55555556],
       [ 0.66666667,  3.56666667],
       [ 0.77777778,  3.57777778],
       [ 0.88888889,  3.58888889],
       [ 1.        ,  3.6       ]])



Calculate the center of the spanned hyper cube.

Returns :center : ParameterPoint

Calculate the diagonal of the spanned hyper cube.

Returns :diag : ParameterPoint
getNormalisedPoint(x, plainarray=False)

Transform x to normalised coordinates in ranges.

If x is inside the ranges the returned values will be between 0 and 1. This is the inverse function of getRelativePoint().

Parameters :

x : array_like

plainarray : bool

Do not cast the returned value back to a ParameterPoint. Useful if x has shape (1, numpoints). The returned array has then shape (dim, numpoints).

Returns :

new : ParameterPoint, ndarray

A ndarray is returned if plainarray is set.

getRelativePoint(x, plainarray=False)

Transform normalised x to ranges.

x is expected to have normalised values. Values of x[i] = 0.0 and `x[i] = 1.0 correspond to the first and second corner of the parameter range, respectively.

This can be useful to construct random points from this parameter range:

>>> range_.getRelativePoint(np.random.rand(pr.dim))
Parameters :

x : array_like

plainarray : bool, optional

If True do not cast the returned value back to a ParameterPoint. Useful if x has shape (1, numpoints). The returned array has then shape (dim, numpoints). The defalt is to return a ParameterPoint instance.

Returns :

new : ParameterPoint, ndarray

A ndarray is returned if plainarray is True.


Return True if point is inside the ranges.

classmethod mkFromPoints(points)

Create a parameter range spanned by a list of points.

The range is then defined by the min/max values in each direction.

Parameters :points : list of ParameterPoint instances
classmethod mkFromString(s)

Create an instance from a string.

Typical use-case is parsing of command line option.

Parameters :

s : str

A string with parameter names and values of the form “Name1=Low1=High1,Name2=Low2=High2”.

class professor.params.ParameterErrors

Bases: professor.params.base.ParameterBase

class professor.params.ParameterMatrix

Bases: professor.params.base.ParameterBase

Class for parameter-parameter matrix data, e.g. correlations.

An instance can be easily created from a dictionary with mkFromDict().

The item look-up is modified to allow to specify the matrix cell by two parameter names:

>>> d = { ("PAR1", "PAR1") : 11 ,
... ("PAR1", "PAR2") : 12 ,
... ("PAR2", "PAR1") : 21 ,
... ("PAR2", "PAR2") : 22 }
>>> matrix = ParameterMatrix.mkFromDict(d)
>>> matrix["PAR1", "PAR2"]
>>> matrix["PAR1", "PAR2"] = 120
>>> matrix["PAR1", "PAR2"]


classmethod mkFromDict(d)
Parameters :

d : dict

A mapping of tuples of parameter names on matrix values, e.g.:

d = { ("PAR1", "PAR1") : val_11 ,
      ("PAR1", "PAR2") : val_12 ,
      ("PAR2", "PAR1") : val_21 ,
      ("PAR2", "PAR2") : val_22 }

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