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Merge minimisation results in one file – prof-mergeminresults

prof-mergeminresults merges multiple minimization result files into a single file. If prof-batchtune is used to run prof-tune on a batch system, this is needed to merge the result files from the individual batch scripts into one file.

The --datadir DATADIR and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the path options page.

With -o the name of the merged results file can be given. To recursively merge all files from a directory use --fromdir.


Merge files produced by batch scripts from prof-batchtune:

prof-batchtune jobout/*/results.pkl

Do the same with --fromdir:

prof-batchtune --fromdir jobout

Command-line options

The --datadir DATADIR and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the path options page.


Interprete first argument as directory and recursively merge all *.pkl files in this directory.

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Parallelize computations – prof-batchtune

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Run combination file format

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