
Parameter sampling, template instantiation

prof2-sample PARAMETER_TEXTFILE <options>

Commonly used options:

-n NUM      # Specify number of points to sample
-o OUTDIR   # Specify output folder
-t TEMPLATE # Select a template to fill

Basic usage

Random uniform sampling of a P-dimensional parameter space.

The parameter space is defined using a text file that contains the name and the sampling range for each parameter as such:

gVXD        0.1  1.0
gAXD        0.1  1.0
gVQ         0.1  1.0
gAQ         0.1  1.0

For each sampled point (number determined by option -n) , a new subdirectory is created in the outputfolder (see option -o) that will contain a file (default file name is params.dat, see option --pfile) with the sampled parameter values:

gVXD 6.263030e-01
gAXD 7.299448e-01
gVQ 7.497046e-01
gAQ 7.876020e-01

In addition, a template can be specified with the -t switch. The instantiation will be written to the same subdirectory as the parameter file. Variables to be substituted need to be in given curly braces, e.g.:

(ufo){{ # Double curly braces to prevent parsing
block dminputs
        1  {gVXD}
        2  {gAXD}
        3  {gVQ}
        4  {gAQ}
        5  {gVQ}
        6  {gAQ}
}}(ufo) # Double curly braces to prevent parsing


Advanced usage

To bias the sampling, a veto function can be written in python and passed to prof2-sample with the -v switch.