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Plotting MC envelope histograms – prof-envelopes

prof-envelopes makes histograms showing the range of variation available on observable histograms from the MC runs available in the MCDIR directory (or a subset, specified with the --runsfile RUNSFILE option). This is an important tool for ascertaining whether the sampled MC parameter space is ever going to be capable of describing certain observables: some tuning problems lie in the models or the param sampling ranges.

The --datadir DATADIR and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the path options page.

By default all the MC runs found in the MCDIR will be used, and all the observables in those runs. The --runsfile RUNSFILE option may be used to obtain envelope plots for specified subsets of the available runs, and the --obsfile OBSFILE can be used to restrict the observables to be plotted. The formats of these files are the usual ones: one space-separated run combination, or observable path per line.

By default the complete envelope of all runs is used; this may be adapted to e.g. the 68% central band of the runs, by using e.g. --cl 68.

The output format of the envelope histograms is in the Rivet make-plots script’s .dat format and can be plotted with that script.


Simple example: plot the fully-inclusive MC envelopes for all-runs, and for all available observables:

prof-envelopes --data /my/data

Command-line options

The --datadir DATADIR and related options are used as normal to specify the reference data, MC runs, and interpolation objects: see the path options page.

--runs RUNSFILE, --runsfile RUNSFILE

A file listing the runs to be used to calculate the envelopes.

--obsfile OBSFILE

A file listing the observables for which envelope plots should be generated.

--cl CL

Specify the central coverage interval to be displayed, as a percentage. Defaults to 100%.